What makes a person suitable for a leader
Last week wrote an essay for one education project. I would like to share some of my thoughts with you.
As a result of life experiences, each person differently feels their place in society. Each sees themselves at different levels of the social ladder. All their behavior, speech and attitude towards others depends on this internal positioning. This determines whether a person is a leader.
Do not confuse a leader, boss, supervisor. It's all different states.
Boss and manager — is the external feature. Impose on society.
Leader — internal feature. Which is expressed in the external manifestations.
There are people who feel an integral part of the territory entrusted to them, and so develop and protect it. They have experience in the implementation of specific projects, feel personally responsible for all the consequences of their work. Calculating primarily on their own strength. They can be called leaders.
Boss, Head — feels temporary, formally appointed leaders and therefore give priority to their own interests. Work is based mainly on popular, loud statements and promises. Expect more on the work of subordinates than their strength.
It all depends on how a person positions himself in relation to the ongoing events around him. The leader feels himself an integral part of events taking place around and feels responsibility for them.